25 #if defined(__linux__) 26 # error "This code must be compiled with a cross-compiler." Physical memory map describing usable and reserved regions of physical memory.
Simple kernel shell for testing purposes.
Advanced configuration and power interface (ACPI) tables.
void tty_set_textcolor(int id, textcolor_t fg, textcolor_t bg)
Set the foreground and background colors used to display text on the virtual console.
void syscall_init()
Set up the CPU to handle system calls.
void page_init()
Initialize the page frame database.
__forceinline void enable_interrupts()
Kernel physical (and virtual) memory map.
void interrupts_init()
Initialize all interrupt tables.
Programmable interval timer (8253/8254) controller.
void exceptions_init()
Initialize all exception handling routines.
void kb_init()
Initialize the keyboard so that it can provide input to the kernel.
void tty_init()
Initialize all virtual consoles.
void acpi_init()
Find and parse all available ACPI tables.
void timer_init(uint32_t frequency)
Initialize the timer controller so that it interrupts the kernel at the requested frequency...
Interrupt handling operations.
void tty_print(int id, const char *str)
Output a null-terminated string to the virtual console using the console's current text color and scr...
void pmap_init()
Initialize the physical memory map using data installed by the BIOS during boot loading.
Teletype (console) screen text manipulation routines.
void tty_clear(int id)
Clear the virtual console screen's contents using the current text background color.